A simple enough question with a not-so-simple answer. To be an outstanding “face” of an agency and to build strong client partnerships, you need a multitude of talents. A balance of style and substance. A blend of left- and right-brain thinking. A combination of internal and external influences. A lot is required.
There is no right or wrong answer to the question. It's subjective. Anyone who has ever had success as a client manager or as the leader of an account team will have his or her own opinion.
This multiple-edition post captures my list of quintessential qualities and skills for your consideration.
There are definitely many qualities and skills that are essential to being an effective client leader. The list that I have shared is by no means exhaustive. There are several factors to consider and remember. It’s hard. So, it’s easy to forget the most important thing: be yourself.
The last thing you want to do is appear insincere or artificial. As in any relationship, you succeed by letting your unique personality shine through. People don’t warm up to a perfectly honed and balanced set of skills and qualities; people warm up to other people. Be human.
A big part of being human is not being perfect.
And that’s okay. In fact, it can be endearing. If you adopt the mindset that you are the face of the agency—and therefore everything you do impacts your clients’ perceptions of it—this can be a daunting and difficult balancing act. How can you professionally represent your agency and not be perfect all the time? Simple. Be yourself. Be proud of who you are. Showcase your unique personality. Admit mistakes in a contrite and honest fashion. Genuinely laugh at your imperfections. Readily accept the imperfections of others.
You can't be perfect. You should be yourself. Focus on this first and everything else will come much more easily and naturally.
These are my thoughts on how companies can connect more strongly with their clients/customers, from my book Tell Your Clients Where to Go! A Practical Guide to Providing Passionate Client Leadership. I would love to hear yours.
Thanks for reading. I hope you found this list helpful.
p.s. If you'd like to connect more strongly with your target audience, I'd love to help. Please message me at Todd@LINKTrainingAndConsulting.com or call me at (513) 240-8383.