Two people about to kiss. A visual you expect to see on Valentine's Day. But not in a McDonald's ad. So, you're intrigued. You look closer. You're puzzled. Then it hits you. It's NOT two people. It's one person about to dig into a McDonald's hamburger. Now it makes sense. Perfect sense. Nothing else needed in the ad. Just the iconic golden arches and the tagline "I'm lovin' it," both tucked discreetly in their respective corners.
And that's why I'm lovin' it.
Any ad worth its salt needs to do three things: 1) capture your attention; 2) engage you; and 3) convey a meaningful message. This ad campaign nails all three ...
You can't help but be drawn in by the singular visual in each execution of the campaign. So elegant. So simple. So emotive. But what really grabs your attention is the unexpectedness of discovering it is a McDonald's ad. It's provocative. You're curious.
Now that the ad has your full attention and curiosity, it begins to engage you. What's going on? What's the point? As you continue to engage with the ad, the pleasant surprise hits you.
The pleasant surprise that hits you is the point of the ad. It's Valentine's Day. Don't just focus on the people you love, think about the things you love. Like stuffing your face with a McDonald's burger. (Hard for me to imagine, but I'm a vegan!). I've heard other people claim this campaign is "off brand" for McDonald's. I respectfully disagree. The concept of someone loving a burger on Valentine's Day, punctuated with the tagline "I'm lovin' it," is perfectly on-brand.
These are my thoughts on how businesses and organizations can leverage the power of visuals to create stronger marketing connections with their target audiences. I would love to hear yours.
Thanks for reading.
p.s. If you'd like to connect more strongly with your target audience, I'd love to help. Please message me at Todd@LINKTrainingAndConsulting.com, or call me at (513) 240-8383.