A simple enough question with a not-so-simple answer. To be an outstanding “face” of an agency and to build strong client partnerships, you need a multitude of talents. A balance of style and substance. A blend of left- and right-brain thinking. A combination of internal and external influences. A lot is required.
There is no right or wrong answer to the question. It's subjective. Anyone who has ever had success as a client manager or as the leader of an account team will have his or her own opinion.
This multiple-edition post captures my list of quintessential qualities and skills for your consideration.
For most agency people, talking comes quite naturally. Listening—truly listening—is the hard part. We usually pretend we are listening. But let’s be honest. More often than not we are actually thinking about what we are going to say next and just waiting for the slightest pause in the conversation to say it.
Active listening is critical for two reasons: 1) clients want—and deserve—to be heard; and 2) you need to really hear them if you are going to help them.
You need to hear what they say and what they don’t say. Ask numerous questions to inspire your clients to talk and to share as much as possible—especially in the early stages of a new relationship or project. Ultimately, you will provide your point of view if you are going to be seen as a consultative partner. But, listen to what clients think first. They will feel like they have been heard and you will undoubtedly benefit from what they say. Leverage their comments as a context for framing and supporting your point of view.
Listening is often not enough. You need to learn to understand what clients really mean by what they say. For example, “This is a great range of work,” doesn’t necessarily mean, “Wow, you have explored options I never would have thought of.” Instead, it usually means that the clients have nothing positive to say and that’s the closest they could come to a compliment.
While it is important to be a good listener, it is even more important that your clients know you are listening. Demonstrate it by taking notes. Nodding. Restating what they said as a segue to what you are waiting to say. And again, ask questions. Lots of questions. Questions show you care. They show you are curious. They show you are passionate. They show you are listening. And if you listen to your clients they will listen to you.
These are my thoughts on how companies can connect more strongly with their clients/customers, from my book Tell Your Clients Where to Go! A Practical Guide to Providing Passionate Client Leadership. I would love to hear yours.
Thanks for reading. The rest of the list will be published over the next few weeks. I hope you find it helpful.
p.s. If you'd like to connect more strongly with your target audience, I'd love to help. Please message me at Todd@LINKTrainingAndConsulting.com or call me at (513) 240-8383.